
I Heart B'town Beach Event

Poster Design for the I heart Btown Beach Event, sponsored by River Island. In connection with Julia's House charity, Sport BU, and Graduate Fashion Week. Its a really exciting event and a good chance to finally enjoy the beach after months of wind and rain!
For this poster i was asked to produce an illustration to go with the designer's poster. I had to fight a bit for what I wanted but this time the illustrator won over the graphic designer and had some elements moved around to give my illustration some room to make a stand. Working with other people on a project can be hard, least of all communicating with them and understanding what they want but it is all part of a learning experience!


Final faces

It has been a crazy busy week with commissions and Uni work but I have finally found a space second to update the blog...

I have finished the narrative brief, and covered every square inch of the studio in paint, glue, bleach, and dirty brushes. So all in all a very productive few days.

My response to Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness took the form of an animation, displaying a mans fall into insanity, as his personality changes and the old self is covered up and overpowered by the new. I scanned in a total of 446 individual images, all screen-printed and then developed with paint and bleach, to create the fast changing (12fps) animation.
This project was as much a narration about personal development as it was a personal development for myself, destroying so many perfectly good screen-prints was a painful process, but one which has helped me to not be so precious about work and shows how important it is to develop my practice and push it in different directions. The only way to know is to try!


A table full of faces

Half way through the animation process...
Getting all the images into a rough sequence to be painted onto, the fun starts tomorrow!

 The first 150 prints laid out